суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


Small Town Ontario Registered: Sign in to vote. Anybody else had this issue? For more information please refer to following MS articles: Biff Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius Tribus: hp nc373i teaming software

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hp nc373i teaming software

We generally just deal with it and rename them. NIC Teaming Overview http: I'm WAY to lazy to do that so I just rename them when it happens. Virtual network adapter 1. Sat Jan 26, 1: Jun 1, Posts: Ars Legatus Legionis et Subscriptor.

Auckland, New Zealand Registered: Jack nc373u the Box. Thursday, October 25, 7: Have just installed Server rtm on a DL G5, the two onboard network cards where available for teaming at that point. For more information please refer to following MS articles: I did rename it on one DL G5 I setup few months ago. Oct 5, Posts: Thursday, November 1, 8: Not an IT pro?

Ok I admit I gave up in the end, re-prepped the whole machine from scratch with all of the adapters present and this time it's ok: It's really just a name, not a big deal if you'll only use one NIC. Anybody else had this issue?

hp nc373i teaming software

You know, you can rename them as well. Originally posted by scorp They should be as even different throughout NICs can be teamed.

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Friday, October 26, 5: Osftware, October 26, We can now team NICs from different manufacturers. Could you please give us some screen captures to help us understand your current scenario, and for further troubleshooting.

Sat Jan 26, 4: I usually just plug in NIC1 and see which connection goes live, xoftware disable the other one, and never care about what it's called Hi, I would like to confirm what is the current situation? Thanks for the replies guys. We build every server from a ghost image but nonetheless on basically every model of HP server we have at one time or another the NIC labeled as " 1" on the back of the server comes up as NIC 2 in Windows.

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