четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


You are commenting using your Google account. Notify me of new comments via email. One of her more interesting tracks off the album. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Been meaning to do a giveaway for hitting 3, followers on Twitch! masami mitsuoka black diary

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It has a very dark and somber tone to it and flows just right. It starts with a space-like beeping sound and some acoustic guitar as well. Email required Diaryy never made public. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: One of her more interesting tracks off the album.

The ballad A-side of the era, Todokanai Omoi… is a pretty interesting song.

Masami Mitsuoka

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I still think her vocals are a bit too squeaky and tight to listen to. Notify me of new comments via email.

masami mitsuoka black diary

You are commenting using your WordPress. Blaci meaning to do a giveaway for hitting 3, followers on Twitch! Masami Mitsuoka — solarblade Beginning the album with the last A-side of the era, last cross was somewhat of a nice choice.

This site mitsuokw cookies. Masami sounds pretty good until like I said in the single review, in the chorus where she gets unbearably whiny and nasal with maasmi notes. Masami does sound vocally stronger, but she still sounds off pitch-wise. What they changed around was that the song was focused more on the guitars than the synths and I thought it fixed some of the problems the original for sure. The first bridge sounded like it was going to the chorus because Masami was holding a note and getting louder, but tricked me back into another set of lines.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here You are commenting using your Google account. After going through some old tracks, we back the nice line of new tracks with Jewel Days. Track Listing last cross.

Black Diary

Right now though besides the godawful chorus, Masami sounds the nicest here. Notify me of new posts via email.

masami mitsuoka black diary

The arrangement is explosive and full of life…. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Ahhhh, the strings opening was so nice to hear.

Black Diary - Masami Mitsuoka | User Reviews | AllMusic

Masami sounds actually quite nice in this song and thank god. Then the chorus turns into a pop track before going back into ballad mode. Only having strings and acoustic guitar with lback slight touch of electric, this arrangement is really pretty and very fitting.

I still love the bridge…one of the coolest riffs in the song. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Get a free blog at WordPress.

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